Sweet Sugar-Free Kale, Chicken, Apple & Feta Salad: Nutritious Lunch Meal Prep

Refined sugar-free dressing as the star of this recipe makes this salad a GREAT Whole30 option. It’s crunchy, it’s sweet, full of greens, and super delicious.

The real star of this recipe is the G. Hughes Sugar Free Sweet Vinaigrette salad dressing. I picked mine up at my local Meijer, but you should be able to snag it from Walmart or other major grocery stores.

Sweet Sugar-Free Kale, Chicken, Apple & Feta Salad: Nutritious Lunch Meal Prep

Prep 10 minutes
Cook 15 minutes
Packaging Time 5 minutes
Total 30 minutes
Course Lunch


  • 1 lb chicken breast (or two large chicken breasts)
  • 1 bunch kale
  • 1 bag matchstick carrots
  • 1 head broccoli
  • ½ red onion
  • 1 apple I love honeycrisp for this recipe!
  • 1 cup feta cheese
  • 1 G. Hughes Sugar Free Sweet Vinaigrette


Ingredient Prep

  • Cook your chicken to your liking! I like to butterfly two large boneless skinless chicken breasts to make 4 equal-ish portions. I'll either grill, pan sear, or roast in the oven depending on how I'm feeling or what else I have on my prep list.
  • Wash, chop, and massage your kale. I like to cut my kale into small strips for easier eating.
  • Chop your apple, red onion and broccoli to your liking. In my opinion, the smaller you can get the bites, the better for this salad's consistency.

Portioning & Packaging

  • Portion out each item from the recipe list into four equal portions. For some direction, generally, I tend to do 1 cup of kale, ¼ cup of feta cheese, and 4 oz of the cooked chicken per portion.
  • Measure 2-3 tablespoons of the G. Hughes Sugar Free Sweet Vinaigrette into separate containers.

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